Small Groups

Ladies Bible Study

Ladies Bible Study

Thursdays, 10am, Commons
Leaders: Pam Opperman, Nadine Rotter

NOTE: this group is on break until the Fall of 2024.

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Coffee & Devos

Men's Coffee & Devos

Wednesdays, 8am, Commons
Leader: Tim Rotter

Each week Pastor Tim invites any men to join him in a cup of coffee and a spirited discussion the week's devotional topic. This is a great time to get to make some friends and encourage one another in your walk with the Lord.

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Ladies Bible Study

Home & Garden Club

2nd Thursdays, 12pm, Commons
Leader: Nadine Rotter

We meet once a month on the second Thursday to learn new things and enjoy a potluck. All women are invited

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Mondays, 7pm, Riverside Room
Leaders: Ronell Landreth, Dawna Kennedy, & Dee Gatten

NOTE: GriefShare is on break until the fall 2024.

GriefShare is a support group ministry for people walking through the pain of the loss of a loved one, providing support and encouragement. Sign up below!

GriefShare is specifically for people mourning the death of a loved one. If you are experiencing grief through other forms of trauma, contact our Pastoral Staff for assistance in finding counsel.

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