Small Groups

Discipleship Nights

CRFC Discipleship Nights

Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00pm

Join us for family worship and then "choose your own adventure" breakout sessions with something for everyone including a women's bible study, a co-ed session with Pastor Mike, prayer and intercession, Alpha (great for new believers), and more!

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Ladies Bible Study

Ladies Bible Study

Thursdays, 10am, Commons
Leaders: Pam Opperman, Shawna Boswell, Nadine Rotter

Join us for a study titled "The Faithful: Heros of the Old Testament."

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Coffee & Devos

Men's Coffee & Devos

Wednesdays, 8am, Commons
Leader: Tim Rotter

Each week Pastor Tim invites any men to join him in a cup of coffee and a spirited discussion the week's devotional topic. This is a great time to get to make some friends and encourage one another in your walk with the Lord.

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Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast

3rd Saturday of the Month, 8:30am

Beginning September 21st! Bring a friend and join us for a bible study and a time of fellowship at Warren Country Inn (56575 Columbia River Hwy). Cost: buy your own breakfast.

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Sweating to the Oldies

Sweating to the Oldies

Ladies Workout Class
Tuesdays, 7pm, Commons
Resumes February 4th

Beginning September 17th, and led by Kiana Pense, come enjoy old tunes and get your sweat on with friends!

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Ladies Bible Study

Home & Garden Club

2nd Thursdays, 12pm, Commons
Leader: Nadine Rotter

We meet once a month on the second Thursday to learn new things and enjoy a potluck. All women are invited. NOTE: check the church calendar for changes to the location.

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The Chosen Home Group

The Chosen Home Group

Fridays, 6:30-8:30pm
Hosted by Don and Jenny Maywald

NOTE: This group is full and isn't taking any more sign ups at this time.

Beginning October 18th, let's watch The Chosen and then discuss! Open to 10-12 adults, no childcare provided. Sign up and we'll provide an address!

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Mondays, 7pm, Riverside Room
Leaders: Ronell Landreth, Dawna Kennedy, & Dee Gatten

NOTE: currently on break until 2/10

GriefShare is a support group ministry for people walking through the pain of the loss of a loved one, providing support and encouragement. Sign up below!

GriefShare is specifically for people mourning the death of a loved one. If you are experiencing grief through other forms of trauma, contact our Pastoral Staff for assistance in finding counsel.

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